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Career Development

Master Your Interview: Top Tips for Senior Communications Professionals

2 October 2023 by Max Forsyth


​Job interviews can be a challenging hurdle on your career path. For senior corporate communications professionals, being prepared is the key to success. Here are our top tips, enhanced with high-level insights, to ensure you make a strong impression.

1. Take Notes

Interviews are not memory tests. Using a notepad to jot down key points not only shows your attentiveness but can also assist in future interview stages.

2. Do Your Research

Understanding the company's culture, values, and communication strategy beforehand is essential. The information on their website and recent press releases will serve you well.

3. Go Beyond the Basics

For a more in-depth understanding, read the annual report and scrutinise interviews with the CEO or other top executives. This helps you align your skills and experience with the company's business strategy.

4. Anticipate and Prepare for Questions

Besides preparing for standard questions in your field, also be ready to discuss how your skills can align with and support the company's strategic objectives.

5. Use the STAR Method

Structure your answers using the STAR (Situation, Task, Action, Result) framework. This ensures your responses are clear, concise and directly related to the question. Avoid going off-topic or 'waffling'.

6. Link Achievements to Strategy

Discuss your past achievements in a way that also highlights how you've positively impacted business strategy in previous roles.

7. Exhibit Leadership Qualities

Leadership extends beyond a job title; it's about how you can guide a team and make strategic decisions. Come prepared with examples that underscore these qualities.

8. Display Genuine Passion

Your enthusiasm for your profession and your willingness to stay updated are qualities that interviewers value highly.

9. Show Confidence

Good preparation leads to confidence. Enter your interview ready to articulate your value.

10. Communicate Effectively

Your role inherently demands excellent communication skills. Listen well and respond in a thoughtful, clear manner.

11. Ask Insightful Questions

Towards the end, make sure to ask questions that show you've done your homework and are already thinking deeply about how you can contribute.

12. Prompt Follow-Up

A thank-you email post-interview can go a long way in solidifying a positive impression.

By following these tips, you will not only effectively present your skills but also display a clear understanding of how you can contribute to the company's strategic goals.

For additional guidance or customised support with your interview preparation, please contact us at

​Comms Search & Selection specialises in executive search and recruitment for the in-house communications industry, serving clients in the UK and the USA. We expertly fill roles from Manager to C-Suite in corporate communications, public relations, internal communications, digital transformation, investor relations, and content strategy. Catering to diverse sectors, including Fortune 500 and FTSE 250 companies and financial and professional services firms, we're the go-to search and recruitment agency for seeking top communications talent. Contact us to secure the industry's best.